HAPPY 61mths TO US!!

for the past five days i dont know y i felt so damn tired and slpy physically and mentally. felt as if my mind and brain was dying, felt as if im floating sometimes. most prob shld be lack of slp or been slping irregulary ba. but from since wed, i slpt at 10 le! 10pm to ard 7am, shld be 8 hrs le ba? thinking that i will feel better. but still can feel the tiredness and slpyness. mayb its because of my everyday routine. work-slp-work-slp. didnt go out or do other stuffs that i like. tts y? my colleague also said that it may be because i think too much before i slp. we shld always clear our mind before we slp to have a really gd slp..
i think its true leh! but how to clear..i always think of what to wear on e next day..think think think till fell aslp le.. hahaa.
Since christmas, my desk has become more colourful le!
more colours for my mini theme park!
my first customer!
and my new companion!
yea 2 hrs more to meet dearx le~